Theary Seng comforting a woman from Takeo whose eldest brother was killed in Tuol Sleng in 1977 (Sunday commemoration at Tuol Sleng, Sunday, 25 July 2010). Photo: HENG Chivoan

 Victims Commemoration at Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, Sunday 25 July 2010 on the advent of the Duch verdict hearing.
Verdict Sets the Stage for Closure on Khmer Rouge The Bangkok Post's SPECTRUM (25 July 2010)
Cambodia Awaits Verdict in Khmer Rouge Tribunal (AP Robin McDowell quoting Theary Seng, 24 July 2010)
"First Verdict by Khmer Rouge Tribunal Due on Monday" Deutsche Welle (22 July 2010)
Reactions to S-21 Duch's Verdict
PRESS RELEASE: KR Victims Demand ECCC Inventory
 Olympian, ECCC civil party Rob Hamill at CJR public forum (Phnom Penh, 23 July 2010)
 Professor/historian David Chandler with S-21 survivor Van Nath and British Ambassador Andrew Mace at CJR public forum (PUC auditorium, Phnom Penh, 23 July 2010)
 Artist/S-21 survivor generously graced us with his presence despite the fact he had a medical appointment, here departing early for it.
 Prolific Khmer write and active member of the Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia Madam OUM Suphany displaying items (including this dress) she preserved from before the KR years. She wore this dress the day Phnom Penh fell. (CJR public forum in Phnom Penh, 23 July 2010)

 Panelists at CJR public forum, 23 July 2010.

 Tenor KHUON Sethisak mesmerizing the audience, raising the roof with his rendition of the National Anthem at CJR public forum, as The Asia Foundation country representative Gavin Tritt [Gavin's blog on the Duch Verdict and this public forum] and his deputy Nicole Sayres along with diplomats, researchers, international/national media and filmmakers (including the making of Brother No. One by the New Zealander film crew on the journey of Olympian Rob Hamill re the torture and murder of his brother Kerry Hamill at the hands of the Khmer Rouge in 1978), survivors, researchers, scholars, students etc. (PUC auditorium, Phnom Penh, 23 July 2010)
 CJR founder Theary Seng moderating the dialogue with panelists (David Chandler, Van Nath, British Ambassador Andrew Mace, Olympian Rob Hamill etc.) and survivors, students, researchers etc. on the advent of the Duch verdict hearing (PUC auditorium, Phnom Penh, 23 July 2010)

 Koh Kong lady who discovered her murdered relative during a provincial tour visit facilitated by CJR staff.
 Madam Milly Pringle (husband Jim one row in front, senior correspondent of The London Times), Tuol Sleng survivor (we discovered in 2008 during a provincial Kampong Thom tour of Tuol Sleng, Ms. Chin Meth) amond donors, ambassadors, historians, researchers, international monitors, filmmakers, members of Association of Khmer Rouge Victims, students, civil society leaders, interns (Pannasastra University Auditorium, 23 July 2010)
 CJR Founder Theary Seng, CJR Interim Director Sok Leang hosting the Public Forum on the Advent of the Duch Verdict at PUC auditorium: S-21 survivor Bou Meng speaking as other panelists (ECCC Lars Olsen, Olympian/Civil Party Rob Hamill, historian David Chandler, British Ambassador Andrew Mace, ECCC Victims Support Section chief Chhorng Rong, ECCC Legal Advisor Dr. Meas Bora, AIJI dep. director Michelle Staggs Kelsall, Victims Association deputy President Chey Theara and prolific author Oum Suphany listen on with a room full of diplomats, donors, filmmakers, journalists, students and survivors, 23 July 2010.

Khmer Rouge Prison Chief Sacks His International Lawyer
(AFP, quoting CJR Theary Seng, 9 July 2010)
 Tuol Sleng Detention director Duch's UN (French) lawyer Francois Roux recently sacked... which explains why our emails to him to follow up on the July 23 public forum have been automatically returned... We want you even more, Mr. Francois Roux, to be at our July 23 public forum (Photo: AFP/Getty)
 Governing Board of Directors of Center for Justice & Reconciliation (originally registered with Ministry of Interior and new) met to appoint Mr. SOK Leang, CJR Victims Outreach Manager, to be the new CJR Interim Director (10-14 July 2010 in Brussels, invited by European Commission to be on Human Rights Panel, in his new capacity). Presided by CJR Founder and President of the Board Ms. Theary C. SENG (Phnom Penh, July 2010)
Cambodians Anxiety Peaks Ahead of Khmer Rouge Verdict
(CJR Theary Seng on VOA by Luke Hunt, 23 July 2010)

Transforming the Killing Fields into Healing, Living Fields:
Advent of Duch’s Verdict PUBLIC FORUM
Friday, 23 July 2010, 8 – 11:30 a.m.
Pannasastra University of Cambodia, Norodom Blvd. (cross street 310)
(Top floor Conference Hall, campus south of Independence Monument)

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Draft Agenda
Mistress of Ceremony, Ms. CHAP Chandina, CJR Voice of Justice & Reconciliation Radio Manager
8:00 AM Registration / Coffee
Showing HIGHLIGHTS of Duch on Trial weekly series by Khmer Mekong Films
8:25 National Anthem - Mr. KHUON Sethisak, Tenor - confirmed
 CJR founder Theary Seng with tenor Khuon Sethisak a few minutes before start of public forum.
8:30 Introductory Remarks
- Ms. Theary C. SENG, CIVICUS Cambodia Director and CJR Board President
- Donor Representative: Mr. Gavin Tritt (The Asia Foundation) - confirmed
9:00 Brief introduction of Panel by CJR Ms. Chap Chandina
Moderators: Ms. Theary C. SENG, CIVICUS Founding Director / CJR Founder; and
Ms. YIM Sotheary, CJR Psycho-social Trauma Support Manager
- Ambassador Andrew MACE - British Ambassador to Cambodia - confirmed
- Professor David CHANDLER - Historian, author of S-21 - confirmed
- Mr. Lars OLSEN, ECCC Public Affairs UN Deputy Chief – confirmed
- Mr. CHHORNG Rong, Acting Chief of ECCC Victims Support Section - confirmed
- Mr. Rob HAMILL - Olympian; Civil Party whose brother was killed (New Zealand) – confirmed
- Dr. MEAS Bora, Legal Officer, ECCC Office of Co-Investigating Judges - confirmed
- Ms. MOM Sokly, actress (Breaking the Silence); playwright, President of Association of Khmer Rouge Victims - confirmed (replaced by her deputy president, Mr. CHEA Theara at the public forum)
- Mr. VAN Nath, Survivor of Tuol Sleng - confirmed
- Mdm. OUM Sophany - prolific writer, member of the Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia - confirmed
- Mr. BOU Meng - Survivor of Tuol Sleng - confirmed
- Ms. Michelle StaggsKelsall - Deputy Director, Asian International Justice Initiative- confirmed
11:20 AM Closing Remarks: Mr. SOK Leang, CJR Victims Outreach Manager/ CJR Interim Director

The Public Forum ends promptly at 11:30 as we have promised PUC and we do not want to create an angry, HUNGRY crowd.
Simultaneous and consecutive translation available. CJR Interim Director Mr. SOK Leang will provide consecutive translation. TPO Cambodia will provide 3 counselors available for counseling with any survivors during the duration of the Public Forum. Free Admission, seats availability on first come, first serve basis.
Case Information Sheet on Duch will be distributed / posted on campus and distributed to students and invited survivors several days before the Public Forum Day. On Public Forum day, we invite NGOs, ECCC and other institutions/agencies to make available their publications (particularly on the ECCC) on the table provided for dissemination to the participants.
We wish to express our deep gratitude to Prof. Ray Leos, CJR Governing Board and PUC Dean of Law & Communication and PUC generally for the use of its excellent facility.
We wish to express our deep gratitude to The Asia Foundation and the German Development Service for their moral and financial support of our CJR Public Forums, especially this special July 23 one.
AusAid for the Learning Center in Battambang detention site of Wat Samroung.
 A special thanks to CJR Fellows Mr. Ranney Lochtefeld and Ms. Sarah Barnacle for their incredible work on this public forum. Here, in front of PUC at CJR public forum in their kramas (Phnom Penh, 23 July 2010).
Invited Participants/Audience ( anticipated a full conference hall )
- University students (from Pannasastra University as well as other Phnom Penh universities)
- Members of the victims association
- Civil society leaders and colleagues
- ECCC staff
- Ambassadors and Embassy officials
- International donor agencies
- National and international media
[ 9 July 2010 Press Release with PDF version with logos... ]