My TREASON & INCITEMENT MASS TRIAL (Initial Page on Trial Matters) TUESDAY, 14 JUNE 2022 VERDICT ANNOUNCEMENT Court Statement: Concluding Remarks ការការពារ ផ្លូវច្បាប់ របស់ខ្ញុំ � [ ... ] |
Re: PM tells rights envoy to focus on racism;
Recycled, repeated language of racism charges established during the 1980s occupation, enduring to this day. To divert attention from crimes of Vietnam and its puppets, i.e. Hun Sen and his cronies against the barely surviving KR survivors. An effective diversion method to this day. For example, the changing of Khmer language, the most damaging is the replacement of neutral word "Yuon" with a new word "Vietnam", forced into the Khmer lexicon, an act of pure political will that the former is "derogatory". The mindless repetition has been made ever since by foreigners who are wilfully ignorant of Cambodia and its history, save the Khmer Rouge period. Many often in the country for brief excursions and only since the 1990s, often young with immense power as opinion makers in this fragile society. A society riddled with manipulation and obfuscation, an attractive destination and home for con artists and genocidaires, both Khmer and non-Khmer.
It is not the first time whereby the almost unanimous opinions and feelings of Cambodians are outright dismissed and not believed. It happened during the dark years of the Khmer Rouge and its immediate aftermath and the ten years of occupation and their aftermath. One of the reasons has been the blithe, ignorant repeated charges of "racism" by misguided non-Cambodians.
This current Cambodian government led by Hun Sen, propped up by Vietnam, has a very transparent reason to focus on the racism charge.
- Theary Seng, 22 September 2015 AM
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Short Autobiography
by Pen Sovan "Opposition to K5 Plan"
"The idea to establish the K5 Plan came directly from Vietnam. At seven in the morning of 27 March 1981, Mr. Le Duc Tho ឡេ ឌឹកថ, a member of the Central Politburo of the Vietnamese Communist Party who is directly responsible for overseeing the Cambodian revolution, asked to see me as the president of the Cambodian people’s party in order to discuss some important issues which he would like for me then to inform and publicize to the Cambodian people’s party for implementation."
Read more of excerpts in both Khmer and English
Read about his subsequent imprisonment in Hanoi
Lost of 21 Cambodian provinces (Kampuchea Krom) to Vietnam in the time of Le Duc Tho
Sam Rainsy: A historical reminder
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Re: Sam Rainsy: An inclusive approach to the border issue | ជំហរ របស់ខ្ញុំ ចំពោះ បញ្ហាព្រំដែន និងបូរណភាព ទឹកដី [comment in both Khmer and English
Hun Sen is not going to find another Khmer leader like Sam Rainsy who is this forgiving, accommodating, creative in helping him in a face-saving way to resolve the political deadlock in the short-term, Hun Sen's image/credibility/legacy in the short and long term, and the real and potentially explosive issue of violation of territory and sovereignty in the short and long term. The last is an existential issue that has confronted every Khmer generation, brewing more dangerously in the age of the Internet, and won't go away.
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The Daily Mail | 11 September 2015
Human rights lawyers Amal Clooney and Jared Genser (left) accused the Maldives government of bugging a confidential conversation with their client
Go, Jared Genser! Co-founder of FREEDOM NOW with my classmate and friend Glenn Kaminsky. I believe Glenn and I attended the University of Michigan Law School one year ahead of Jared.
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Ieng Thirith meets her Maker
(Story, image Phnom Penh Post)
I, as the first civil party in international law, was in the same court room with Ieng Thirith as defendant in the ECCC as often as my schedule permitted.
Ieng Thirith was a Shakepearean scholar at the Sorbonne, and I remember the Lady did protesteth too much.
Ieng Thirith, as the First Lady of the Khmer Rouge (wife to Ieng Sary, sister to Pol Pot's first wife Khieu Ponnary who went mad earlier on in the revolution) died eluding justice as we know it when the ECCC (or, what I called Eccc the Clown) deemed her unfit due to dementia in 2012.
But I as a Christian I take comfort in the fact--even as I shudder--that now she stands before the Almighty to face perfect justice.
- Theary C. Seng, 23 Aug. 2015
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Human Rights Resource Center's Summer Institute and Board Meeting Bali, 11-14 August 2015
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Parliamentary Immunity Art. 104 (new), Constitution
"Flagrante Delicto" EXTRAORDINARY exception to parliamentary immunity Click to read 14-page provision in Code of Criminal Procedure
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Case of SRP Senator Hong Sok Huor
Theary C. Seng, 15 August 2015 P.M.
At this stage of the situation re the arrest of Hong Sok Huor, there are TWO SEPARATE ISSUES related to IMMUNITY:
(i) whether Hong Sok Huor was "in hiding" as a matter of law in light of his immunity;
(ii) whether the case is one of flagrante delicto that justifies the extraordinary exception to immunity.
(i) 4 rhetorical questions in clarifying the distinction between ORDINARY vs. LEGAL language of "in hiding": 1. Is Hong Sok Huor a Senator? 2. If a Senator, does he have immunity? 3. If he has immunity, does he have protection / freedom to fulfill his duties? 4. Why then does he need to hide? I, with the general public, have been speaking in the ordinary sense of the phrase "in hiding". But as a matter of law, Senator Sok Huor never had to go "into hiding" because of his immunity (that is, by definition a free person with immunity cannot be "in hiding"). Thus, if Senator Sok Huor has never been in hiding, no one else can be complicit in assisting in "hiding" him.
Extraordinary Exception of Flagrante Delicto to Immunity It appears after my conversations this morning with attorney Choung Chou-Ngy (who has been retained by Senator Hong Sok Huor to represent him) and his wife who are both prevented by the Phnom Penh Municipal Police to see him since his dramatic arrest (with force and handcuffs) this morning at 6 A.M., the Hun Sen Commies are magically basing their action on the extraordinary exception to parliamentary immunity set out in. Article 104 (new) which gives the judicial police extraordinary powers in cases of "flagrante delicto" cases (see Title 2 of the Criminal Procedural Code, starting at Art. 85). This morning, the Phnom Penh police turned away attorney Chou-Ngy from meeting with his client, claiming they have at least 24 hours to prevent anyone from meeting the Senator which confounded his attorney as normally the law affords a person the right to a lawyer WITHIN 24 hours.
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Opposition SRP senator Hong Sok Huor ARRESTED!
at 6 A.M. this Saturday morning, 15 Aug. 2015
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Cambodian Leader Orders Arrest of Opposition Senator
AP / ABC News | 13 August 2015 Cambodia's prime minister on Thursday demanded the arrest of an opposition senator, accusing him of treason for comments posted on Facebook criticizing a 36-year-old border agreement with neighboring Vietnam. Hun Sen called for the arrest of Hong Sok Hour in a speech at a graduation ceremony in Phnom Penh, in the latest in a string of attacks on political opponents. The opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party has been seeking political benefit by saying Vietnam has been encroaching on Cambodian soil, and its efforts have ramped up tension at the border.
More about Hong Sok Huor, border issues and Vietnamization here
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What do the Jewish Passover and the K-5 Extermination Plan have in common?
NOTHING. One genocide in the INTENTIONAL DESTRUCTION of the Jewish MALE babies is remembered through the millennia;
the other genocide in the INTENTIONAL DESTRUCTION of the Cambodian male KR survivors perpetrated only 3 decades ago is FORGOTTEN.
The occupying Vietnamese military designed the K-5 extermination Plan at least as early as March 1981 which forced a million Cambodians, mainly men between the ages of 18 and 48 who had just barely survived the Khmer Rouge of 1975-79, to the malaria-infested, mine-infested Thai-Cambodian border to build the "bamboo wall" and plant landmines. Countless hundreds of thousands dead. The forgotten dead. The Khmer Rouge got away with crimes against humanity in the court of law but they have been indicted in the court of public opinion (films, books, articles, memoirs, broadcasts, etc. in EVERY LANGUAGE imaginable). Whereas VIETNAM literally got away with GENOCIDE (the intent to destroy a people) -- in both the court of law and the court of public opinion -- with ZERO public outcry: ZERO film, ZERO book (save one in French, now out of print, by a French medical doctor), ZERO broadcast, ZERO. What Vietnam perpetrated on the Khmer Rouge survivors was GENOCIDE in its purest form, the INTENT TO DESTROY A PEOPLE, by focusing on destroying the male population. Remember the first recorded genocide in world history, the Jewish people in Egypt under Pharaoh? You do not need to be a reader of the Jewish or the Christian Bible to know of the story of the EXODUS and the YEARLY REMEMBRANCE since then in the PASSOVER.
The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” [...] Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: “Every Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live.”
To refresh your memory, the EXODUS story is here in English and Khmer (edited by me with punctuation and liberal word spacing for easier comprehension).
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