My TREASON & INCITEMENT MASS TRIAL (Initial Page on Trial Matters) TUESDAY, 14 JUNE 2022 VERDICT ANNOUNCEMENT Court Statement: Concluding Remarks ការការពារ ផ្លូវច្បាប់ របស់ខ្ញុំ [ ... ] |
OK, one more value, foundation of them all:
Value #0 Value: The ultimate allegiance of a Christian is to Jesus Christ, the creative Word (become flesh), which enlightens everyone, and the redeeming Lamb of God, which bears the sin of the whole world. A Christian ought not embrace any practice, no matter how prudent it may seem from the standpoint of national security or national competitive advantage, which conflicts with allegiance to Christ. Rationale: “Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:11) Debate: For Christians, the debate should not be whether the allegiance to Christ trumps the allegiance to the nation. The debate should be what key values national life follow from their allegiance to Jesus Christ and what the proper relation is between universalist claims of Christ and particularist claims of the nation. Question to Ask: To what extent is the candidate merely seeking to serve the “goddess nation” and to what extent is what he stands for compatible with the Christian conviction that Christ is the key to human flourishing? Value No. 1: Freedom to Choose Way of LifeValue No. 2: Concern for the PoorValue No. 3: Quality and Affordable EducationValue No. 4: Economic GrowthValue No. 5: Abolish Death PenaltyValue No. 6: Speak the Truth in LoveValue No. 7: Eradicate Global PovertyValue No. 8: Live within our Means; No Reckless BorrowingValue No. 9: Every Citizen Equal Access to have Say on Human Flourishing, Common GoodValue No. 10: Meaningful employmentValue No. 11: Special Care for the ElderlyValue No. 12: War is Never JustifiableValue No. 13: No Nation is Exception to JusticeValue No. 14: We should Never TortureValue No. 15: Unborn Human Life deserves Respect, Protection, NurtureValue No. 16: HealthcareValue No. 17: Care for CreationValue 18: Respect all FaithsValue No. 19: On OffendersValue No. 20: Competence matters less than character. . .
Rock on, Venerable Loun Sovath!
![]() The first Southeast Asian to receive the prestigious Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders in Geneva, Oct. 2012
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Welcome to new members of Kramanation!
![]() The most lovely couple -- Mr. and Mrs. Chhayri and Kanitha MARM of Sydney (Opera House, 5 Oct. 2012)
![]() Mr. Senon Williams of Dengue Fever rock band (Mexico, Sept. 2012)
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8 Weeks Schedule
Speaking at Spirit of Humanity Forum Iceland (September)
Collecting Family History Paris (September) Speak Truth To Power Photo Exhibition and Training at Bophana Center Phnom Penh, September 2012
Meeting with Members of Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia (AKRVC) and Film Interview with ABC News Phnom Penh (October)
ABC News: Who do you blame for this? For example, is Australia as a donor complicit? Theary Seng: "...the Cambodian government, with the most senior officials having been former KR cadres, but everyone already knows this and we didn't expect much. But what we didn't expect to this degree is the complicity of the UN and the donor community... At first, donors were apathetic, letting the government have full control of the wheel; now the donors are proactively complicit in doing everything to whitewash this failure into a success; they have to, as they are already in too deep. They cannot accept the reality that is is a failure and they should abandon it. They have other interests they need to protect here -- economic and political interests; they use the justice and human rights language as a disguise to further these other primary political and economic interests."
More at Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia...
Meetings with Cambodian-Australians with Khmer Post to discuss CIVICUS Cambodia's works, Justice/Reconciliation, human rights in Cambodia Sydney / Melbourne, Australia (October)
More photos along with narratives... Listen to the ABC News Australia (Khmer service) interview with Theary Seng on "Language In Crisis" LIVE on 9 October 2012, now available online. Meeting with Philosopher-Author Mark Strom and his wife Sue Balmoral Beach (Sydney), 7 Oct. 2012 Meeting with donor The Charitable Foundation founder/philanthropist Steve Killelea, CEO Peder Pedersen Sydney, 8 Oct. 2012 Facilitating course Reconciliation as Process and Practice, Folke Bernadotte Academy Sweden (October) Meetings and Visit with friend who is in process of moving family to Cambodia Geneva (October) Meeting with Jewish Delegation to Cambodia Le Royal Phnom Penh (Novembers) ANSA-EAP Foundation Board of Trustees meeting Manila (November)
Hosting 2 Children's Organizations (one working with street, another with abused children) at brother's Kirirom Orchards Kampong Speu (November)
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We stand with the Housing Rights Task Force!
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Beautiful Cambodia! (image from Facebook of Yeth Vat via KI-Media)
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Khmer Rouge defendant Ieng Thirith ruled unfit for Cambodian genocide trial due to dementia The Washington Post, 13 Sept. 2012 Others said the development highlighted one of the main complaints against the tribunal — that it is too late to truly deliver justice. Pol Pot, the regime’s top lead er, died in 1998. The tribunal opened in 2006 — nearly three decades after the fall of the Khmer Rouge — following years of wrangling between Cambodia and the United Nations. The lengthy delays have been costly and raised fears that the frail surviving Khmer Rouge leaders will die before their verdicts come. “ Of course if she is seriously ill with Alzheimer’s, she should be released. There is no point in trying an incapacitated person,” said Theary Seng, a human rights advocate representing some victims who are allowed a role in the proceedings. “The point is the (tribunal) is so late in coming. The political foot-dragging and inertia has caused this travesty of justice.”
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Bee!" - Theary C. Seng
![]() Owner of popular Beehive Radio station, now in jail. Mam Sonando. Check for updates on KI-Media.
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Poetic Justice and Civil Party Withdrawal in the News Nov. 2011 Ex-leader: Khmer Rouge atrocities are 'fairy tale' AP Newswire, 23 Nov. 2011 "I'm not surprised that Nuon Chea, Khieu Samphan and Ieng Sary continue to deny their crimes as the charges against them of genocide, war crimes are very serious," said Theary Seng, a Cambodian lawyer and human rights activist who lost family members under their regime. "Even if I am not surprised, I am however disgusted by their lack of remorse for the suffering they caused. They are delusional in their denial in light of the weight of evidence against them - the mounds of skulls and bones, the horrific testimonies from every survivor of cruelty, the magnitude and scope of evil unleashed by them across the whole of Cambodia."
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"Khmer Rouge trial is failing Cambodian victims of Pol Pot's regime" Human Rights Watch Brad Adams' editorial The Guardian, 26 Nov. 2011
. . . "Justice Denied" Douglas Gillison, Foreign Policy Magazine, 23 Nov. 2011 . . . Deputy President of Victims Association, a Civil Party of the Orphans Class, Mr. CHEY Theara, Withdraws Civil Party Status, Denounces ECCC as Political Farce _______________________ PRESS RELEASE _______________________
Full statement in both Khmer and English in KI-Media. Here, if ISP censors in Cambodia.
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Khmer Rouge Trial Missing a Marquee Defendant Wall Street Journal, 21 Nov. 2011 “The release of Ieng Thirith is only one reflection of how incredibly late these trials are coming into place,” said Theary Seng, founder of the Cambodian Center for Justice and Reconciliation and herself, too, a victim of the Khmer Rouge regime, having lost her parents and spent five months in prison. She has withdrawn from the tribunal process, and instead put her energy into organizing public games of darts featuring the faces of the Khmer Rouge leaders along Phnom Penh’s riverfront – a “way of release” following victims’ frustrations with the trial process, mixed with “dark humor,” she said.
But the trial - a joint enterprise between the UN and Cambodia - has been heavily criticised. Theary Seng, whose parents were killed by the Khmer Rouge, said putting three people on trial for the deaths of 1.7 million simply wasn't enough. (BBC News, 21 Nov. 2011)
Khmer Rouge Trial: Cambodia Awaits Answers BBC News, 21 Nov. 2011
. . . AFP, 21 Nov. 2011 Khmer Rouge survivor Theary Seng told AFP she was "frustrated beyond words" that only Khieu Samphan looked likely to shed light on what happened. "The people want to know who is behind the Khmer Rouge, we want to see and understand the larger picture and we're not going to get that," she said.
From Tragedy to Sham in Cambodia Asia Times Online, 19 Nov. 2011 In KI-Media Others have gone further, arguing that the time might be ripe for the UN to pull the plug on the controversy-plagued court altogether. Last week, Theary Seng, a Cambodian-American survivor of the Khmer Rouge regime and a prominent advocate for victims' rights, withdrew her status as a civil party to the court, describing the proceedings as a "complete sham". She said the UN should threaten to withdraw after setting some clear conditions for its continued participation. By pressing ahead, Seng said, the world body runs the risk of rubber-stamping a flawed process and further embedding cynicism in the Cambodian population. "I understand the unwieldiness of any large bureaucracy, but at the end of the day it comes down to personalities, and there have been extremely weak personalities," she said. "In this regard, the UN is complicit."
In the End, Loss of Faith in Tribunal: Former Complainant Hello VOA Special with Theary Seng, 16 Nov. 2011 Khmer Rouge Victim Quits Tribunal Saying UN-backed Court is a Sham DPA, 15 Nov. 2011
Prominent Victims' Advocate Quits Khmer Rouge Tribunal VOA International/English, 15 Nov. 2011 KRT Critic Offers 'Poetic Justice' The Phnom Penh Post, 16 Nov. 2011 Theary Seng Denounces Tribunal; Introduces Dartboard Scheme The Cambodia Daily, 16 Nov. 2011
. . . Click here to read the full press release...
More information at "ECCC Civil Party" More information at Association of Khmer Rouge Victims in Cambodia Theary Seng Criticizes KRT as "Political Farce" The Phnom Penh Post, 10 Nov. 2011
Radio Free Asia (both AM and PM broadcasts on 10 Nov. 2011)
Cambodian-American Lawyer Withdraws her Civil Party Status Voice of America Khmer Service, 10 Nov. 2011
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